Responsible Lending

Cash Clan is committed to strictly abide by our Responsible Lending Obligations.
As a responsible lender, we assess each customer’s individual circumstances to ensure that we don’t lend you more than you can afford to repay. We have rules and systems in place to ensure that our customers are not placed in financial difficulty. To assist us to make the right assessment we will: • make reasonable inquiries about your financial situation, including your income, expenses and regular commitments • take reasonable steps to verify your financial information – for instance by obtaining evidence of your income; and • make inquiries to determine your needs and objectives; It is very important that the information you provide to us is complete and accurate. We use the information you provide and information we obtain from third parties, such as Credit Reporting Bodies to determine whether the credit is unsuitable for you. If we assess that a proposed credit contract is unsuitable for you, we will not enter into a contract with you or we may offer you a reduced and more appropriate level of credit in line with your disposable income. A credit contract will be unsuitable if: • The credit contract does not meet your requirements or objectives; or • It is likely that you will be unable to comply with your financial obligations under the credit contract; or • It is likely that you could only comply with your financial obligations under the credit contract with substantial hardship.
Offering you support in times of financial difficulty
Anyone can experience financial hardship as a result of an unplanned life event, such as: • Unemployment • Ill-health • Family breakdown • Family violence • Natural disasters If you are struggling to meet your repayments, get in touch with us so that we may provide a solution that best suits your situation.
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